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John Morgan
Taylor, TX

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John Morgan
Taylor, TX

On Your Team, But Not on Your Payroll


John Morgan began his career as a Schaeffer Manufacturing Company sales rep in 2010. John's strong service background is the cornerstone of his Schaeffer philosophy, "care more about your clients success than they do". His attention to detail and tenacious work ethic has allowed him to find challenges in his clients preventative maintenance programs they didn't know they had and develop resolutions which have allowed his accounts to recapture thousands of dollars in lost revenue.
John lives in Williamson County outside of Taylor and Hutto with his wife Renee. Together they have four adult children and six grandchildren. John is a 6th generation Texan and takes great pride in serving the Austin area and Central Texas. John enjoys working with animals. His friends frequently refer to him as the Central Texas dog whisperer for his ability to work with aggressive or hard to control dogs.

Industries Served

John strives to provide service to the full spectrum of Schaeffer's portfolio. His current client list includes several industries such as trucking, construction, drilling, machining, farming and others. John has several retail/oil change providers to help individuals find the Schaeffer Advantage.

Awards & Certifications

Certified Lubrication Specialist (CLS)
Schaeffer Certified Ag Specialist
Schaeffer's 100% Club
Schaeffer's Phase I and Phase II Training


Society of Tribologist and Lubrication Engineers (STLE)
American Society of Agronomy
New Hope Christian Church in Hutto